Friday, January 2, 2009

My people whats happening, well on my side nothing much. I have been going out sight seeing, and went out today. We got to see the eiffel tower in paris, and it was really wonderful. They will be going on my facebook, cus I am such a
My french friend and I are going clubbing tonight before I leave here tomorrow to go back to that country where people speak from the back of their throats. This party tonight is supposedly free for all girls, and free champagne for girls...but why do the girls need to get all the free stuff?
Back to reality sha, I feel heavy, and empty, me and the madam don rack....we always do that, but I dont know about it this time. Before I entered 2008, I had goals, I had aspirations, and I seem to have achieved them all, but this year, I do not know, I do not feel any goals, and its scary. The goals I want, I do not know if its the right time for them, and all that. As I am typing this, I have this couple,(bf and gf) lying close to me...I envy their relationship and wish em the times I wonder why it seems mine had to be like this...I am not apportioning blame..I have anyways God dey. He's been teaching me how to be happy in all situations and all things, and its gonna be fine.
As una fit see, nothing much dey happen for my life....this year is just stretching out in front of me. Maybe I will face one of my fears thats bin haunting me for some time....
Now remember I mentioned the couple in my apartment....the guy dey ask me say he hopes my chick doesnt have low self esteem...cus people would make fun and most big girls wouldn't feel comfy with their bigness. I just told him we all do not have to like thin women, and those guys have issues. He responded that he feels the girls have the issue...well na dem sabi, he was looking through my fone to see a bigger sized picture...saying he wanted to "appreciate".... but well sha, in head don cool down...I love em big, and I am sticking to it. And I like my gfs size and all.
But well theres more to my relationships than
Well guys, am just there, nothing exciting has been happening...I will go into myself and see if I can get a vision for 2009....

1 comment:

Afrobabe said...

yeeeeeeeehhh a brother who loves us big and isn't afraid to say it......